Bold PMM The new way of managing Product Marketing Thu, 06 Jun 2024 08:27:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bold PMM 32 32 The B2B Buyer Revolution: Sellers Need to Adapt a Smarter, Marketing-Driven Sales Cycle Sun, 02 Jun 2024 12:47:48 +0000

Smarter Buyers

In today’s B2B sales cycle, traditional engagement methods are outdated. Today’s B2B buyers are informed, selective, and faced with numerous options. This demands that businesses not just react but proactively adapt their sales strategies to be more nuanced and strategically aligned with buyer behaviors.

Understanding Today’s B2B Buyer

Modern B2B buyers wield extensive digital resources to vet potential vendors thoroughly, a recent Gartner study from 2024 reveals that in companies with 100 to 500 employees, an average of about eight individuals are involved in most purchasing decisions. This trend highlights a shift toward collective decision-making and indicates that buyers need to explain their decision to more people internally, and are less patient with unsolicited sales pitches and generic content. To engage these buyers effectively, businesses must deliver targeted, strategic content that addresses specific industry pain points and opportunities, and even more important, to match their sales process to their potential customer buying ones.

Always sell? Always lose

The market’s complexity has increased, not just in terms of options available but also due to a longer and more involved buying process. Quick, aggressive sales tactics are less effective and can damage potential long-term relationships. Today’s sales strategies must focus on nurturing these relationships through respectful, value-driven interactions that recognize the buyer’s need for comprehensive, consultative processes.

Digital Content as an SDR

Digital content is now at the heart of the B2B buying process. Studies from Biznology and Sirius Decisions in 2024 indicate that 56% of B2B buyers use social networks for vendor research, and 68% of the buying journey occurs digitally. Effective content strategies should therefore focus on creating and distributing insightful, accessible content that establishes brand authority and supports the buyer’s journey from awareness to decision.

Streamlined B2B Buyer Journey for 2024

  • Pain Point Recognition: Buyers identify specific needs or challenges.
  • Content Engagement: Buyers seek out and engage with content that directly addresses their challenges without navigating gated barriers.
  • Peer Collaboration: Early and extensive peer consultations are a key part of the solution exploration process.
  • Vendor Exploration: Buyers narrow down potential vendors through initial discussions and deepen the conversation in follow-up meetings that include broader internal teams.
  • Consensus Building: Decisions are made after consulting with an extended circle of stakeholders, ensuring broad agreement and buy-in.
  • Decision: The vendor that best aligns with the collective organizational needs and has demonstrated value throughout the decision-making process is chosen.

Best Practices for Engaging Modern B2B Buyers



  1. Produce and share educational content consistently across multiple channels.
  2. Utilize customer testimonials and case studies to generate word-of-mouth.
  3. Regularly update sales enablement tools like battle cards.
  4. Respect and facilitate the buyer’s internal decision-making processes.


  1. Rely heavily on gated content which may turn potential buyers away.
  2. Use high-pressure sales tactics.
  3. Bypass or undervalue the opinions of direct user buyers in discussions.



    The transformation in B2B sales cycles demands that businesses not only adapt to changes but also anticipate future trends in buyer behavior. By aligning marketing strategies with buyer needs and enhancing the buyer journey with valuable, accessible content, (and patience) businesses can position themselves as preferred partners in a competitive landscape.

    ]]> 0 2838 The rising demand for B2B product marketing managers and it’s reasons Tue, 30 Apr 2024 19:45:03 +0000

    Discover the growing need for B2B product marketing managers and the factors driving this demand.

    In the fast-paced world of B2B product marketing, the demand for skilled professionals continues to soar. As companies compete to gain a competitive edge, the need for capable B2B product marketing managers becomes increasingly evident. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this rising demand, the challenges faced by these professionals, and the future outlook for careers in this field. Additionally, we will delve into why subscribing to our agency,, can be your strategic move towards success in product marketing.

    Trends Driving the Demand for B2B Product Marketing Managers

    Several key trends are fueling the increasing demand for B2B product marketing managers. Firstly, the rapid advancements in technology have given birth to a new wave of innovative products and solutions. To effectively market these offerings, companies require experts who possess a deep understanding of the B2B landscape and can navigate the complexities of bringing products to market.

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    Moreover, the evolving landscape of B2B sales has contributed to the demand for product marketing managers. With the rise of e-commerce and online marketplaces, businesses are now faced with the challenge of standing out in a crowded digital space. B2B product marketing managers play a crucial role in developing strategies that differentiate their companies’ products from competitors. They are skilled at crafting compelling value propositions and positioning statements that resonate with potential buyers, helping businesses gain a competitive edge.

    Furthermore, the shift towards a remote and digital working environment has amplified the importance of online marketing strategies. B2B product marketing managers adept at leveraging digital marketing channels, such as social media, content marketing, and search engine optimization, are in high demand. These professionals have the skills to adapt and thrive in the digital age, ensuring their companies’ products reach the right audience.

    In addition to technological advancements and the digital landscape, another driving force behind the demand for B2B product marketing managers is the increasing focus on customer experience. In today’s customer-centric market, successful product marketing relies heavily on understanding and meeting customer needs. B2B product marketing managers possess the expertise to conduct market research, analyze customer data, and develop targeted strategies that resonate with customers. Their ability to bridge the gap between the product and the customer is invaluable for companies striving to establish meaningful connections and build long-lasting relationships.

    Furthermore, the globalization of markets has also contributed to the demand for B2B product marketing managers. As businesses expand their operations internationally, they face the challenge of adapting their products and marketing strategies to different cultural contexts. B2B product marketing managers with a global mindset and cross-cultural communication skills are sought after to ensure that products are effectively positioned and marketed in diverse markets.

    In conclusion, the demand for B2B product marketing managers is driven by various trends, including technological advancements, the digital landscape, customer-centricity, and globalization. These professionals play a critical role in helping businesses navigate the complexities of the B2B market, differentiate their products, and establish meaningful connections with customers. As the business landscape continues to evolve, the demand for skilled B2B product marketing managers is expected to grow.

    Challenges Faced by B2B Product Marketing Managers Today

    While the demand for B2B product marketing managers is high, it is crucial to shed light on the challenges they face in their roles. One of the primary difficulties is the ever-evolving nature of the B2B landscape. As technology advances and market trends fluctuate, product marketing professionals must stay ahead of the curve. This requires continuous learning and adaptation to ensure they remain effective in their strategies and deliver meaningful results.

    Additionally, the complexity of B2B sales cycles poses a challenge for product marketing managers. Compared to B2C marketing, B2B sales cycles tend to be longer and involve multiple decision-makers. Navigating these intricate buying processes requires a deep understanding of the target audience and the ability to align marketing efforts with the stages of the sales cycle.

    Moreover, the alignment between sales and marketing teams can be a hurdle faced by B2B product marketing managers. Collaboration and communication between these two crucial departments are essential for achieving optimal results. Building strong relationships and fostering a shared understanding of goals and strategies can help overcome this challenge.

    Another significant challenge for B2B product marketing managers is the need to demonstrate ROI effectively. With the increasing emphasis on data-driven decision-making, marketing professionals must be able to track and measure the impact of their campaigns accurately. This requires leveraging analytics tools, interpreting data insights, and translating them into actionable strategies to drive business growth.

    Furthermore, the competitive landscape in B2B markets adds another layer of complexity for product marketing managers. Understanding competitors’ offerings, positioning, and marketing tactics is crucial for developing differentiated value propositions and staying ahead in the market. Continuous monitoring and analysis of competitors’ activities are essential to identify opportunities and threats that can impact the success of marketing initiatives.

    Future Outlook for B2B Product Marketing Careers

    The future looks promising for those pursuing careers in B2B product marketing. As the demand for these professionals continues to rise, so do the opportunities for growth and advancement. With their unique skill set and expertise, B2B product marketing managers have the potential to become true strategic leaders within their organizations.

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    Furthermore, as companies increasingly recognize the impact of effective product marketing on their bottom line, the importance of these roles will only grow. B2B product marketing managers can expect to see expanded responsibilities and increased influence within their organizations. By staying abreast of emerging trends and technologies, they can position themselves as valuable assets in the ever-evolving B2B landscape.

    It is clear that a career in B2B product marketing is both fulfilling and promising. By honing their skills, embracing challenges, and staying ahead of the curve, professionals in this field can make significant contributions to their companies and enjoy a rewarding and prosperous career.

    Looking ahead, one exciting aspect of the future of B2B product marketing careers is the increasing focus on data-driven decision-making. With the rise of big data and analytics tools, B2B product marketers have more opportunities than ever to leverage data insights to drive successful marketing strategies. This shift towards a more data-centric approach not only enhances the effectiveness of marketing campaigns but also opens up new avenues for innovation and creativity within the field.

    Additionally, the evolving digital landscape presents B2B product marketers with a wealth of new channels and platforms to explore. From social media to influencer marketing, the possibilities for reaching and engaging with target audiences are constantly expanding. By mastering these digital tools and techniques, B2B product marketing professionals can stay ahead of the competition and drive meaningful results for their organizations.

    Why you should subscribe to our agency, as your product marketing managers

    Choosing the right agency for your product marketing needs is crucial for driving success in the B2B market. provides unmatched expertise and experience in B2B product marketing. Our dedicated team of professionals possesses a deep understanding of the B2B landscape and is equipped with the latest knowledge and strategies to help your company thrive.

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    When you subscribe to, you gain access to a comprehensive suite of services tailored to your unique needs. Whether it’s conducting market research, developing targeted marketing strategies, or optimizing your digital presence, our agency has the capabilities to propel your company forward.

    Furthermore, our agency’s commitment to collaboration and communication ensures seamless integration with your internal teams. We work hand in hand with your sales and marketing departments to align strategies, maximize efficiency, and achieve tangible results.

    Don’t miss out on the opportunity to partner with as your product marketing managers. With our expertise and track record of success, we can help your company capitalize on the rising demand for B2B product marketing professionals and stay ahead in an ever-competitive market.

    At, we understand that each company is unique, with its own set of challenges and opportunities in the B2B space. That’s why we take a personalized approach to every client engagement, tailoring our strategies and solutions to fit your specific needs and goals. Our team conducts in-depth consultations to gain a deep understanding of your business, target audience, and competitive landscape, allowing us to craft a customized marketing plan that delivers results.

    Moreover, our commitment to staying at the forefront of industry trends and innovations sets us apart as thought leaders in the B2B product marketing realm. We continuously monitor market dynamics, consumer behavior, and emerging technologies to ensure that our strategies are not only effective today but also future-proofed for tomorrow. By partnering with, you can rest assured that your company will always be one step ahead of the competition, ready to seize new opportunities and navigate challenges with confidence.

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